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How to Budget for Home Maintenance in Your Normandy Homes Home

Purchasing a new home from Normandy Homes is an exciting milestone, but maintaining that home is equally important. Proper home maintenance ensures your investment remains in top condition and retains its value. Here’s a guide to help you budget for home maintenance effectively.

1. Understand the Basics of Home Maintenance Costs

A general rule of thumb for home maintenance is to set aside 1-2% of your home's purchase price annually. For example, if your Normandy home costs $400,000, you should budget between $4,000 and $8,000 per year for maintenance. This figure can vary based on the age, condition, and size of your home, as well as local climate conditions.

2. Create a Home Maintenance Fund

Setting up a dedicated home maintenance fund is a smart way to ensure you're financially prepared for any maintenance needs. Open a separate savings account and contribute to it regularly. Treat this fund as a non-negotiable part of your budget, similar to your mortgage payment or utility bills.

3. Plan for Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance tasks are essential to keep your home in excellent condition. Some of these tasks include:

  • HVAC System: Schedule bi-annual inspections and filter replacements. Budget approximately $150-$300 per year.

  • Plumbing: Regularly check for leaks and drips. Annual inspections can cost around $200.

  • Roof and Gutters: Inspect and clean gutters twice a year. Roof inspections should be done annually, costing about $200-$300.

  • Lawn Care: Regular mowing, fertilizing, and watering. Annual lawn care costs can range from $500-$1,000.

4. Prepare for Seasonal Maintenance

Different seasons bring different maintenance challenges. Budget for these tasks accordingly:

  • Spring: HVAC tune-up, gutter cleaning, and landscaping. Estimated cost: $300-$500.

  • Summer: Lawn care, pest control, and exterior painting touch-ups. Estimated cost: $400-$700.

  • Fall: HVAC inspection, gutter cleaning, and window caulking. Estimated cost: $300-$500.

  • Winter: Roof inspection, chimney cleaning, and winterizing pipes. Estimated cost: $200-$400.

5. Account for Unexpected Repairs

Despite regular maintenance, unexpected repairs can still occur. Allocate a portion of your maintenance budget for emergencies, such as appliance breakdowns, plumbing issues, or electrical problems. Having a buffer of at least $1,000-$2,000 can provide peace of mind.

6. Utilize Warranties and Insurance

Normandy Homes often provide warranties on their new homes, which can cover certain repairs and maintenance for a specified period. Familiarize yourself with the terms of your warranty and use it to your advantage. Additionally, ensure your homeowner’s insurance policy is up to date and provides adequate coverage for potential issues.

7. DIY vs. Professional Help

Some maintenance tasks can be done on your own, saving you money. Simple tasks like changing HVAC filters, cleaning gutters, or minor painting jobs can be tackled with basic tools and a little know-how. However, for more complex tasks such as electrical work, major plumbing repairs, or roof inspections, it's best to hire professionals to avoid costly mistakes.

8. Track Your Expenses

Keeping a detailed record of all your home maintenance expenses helps you stay on top of your budget and plan for future needs. Use a spreadsheet or a budgeting app to track costs and schedule regular reviews to adjust your budget as needed.

9. Stay Proactive

Proactive maintenance is key to preventing major issues down the line. Regular inspections and timely repairs can extend the lifespan of your home’s components and save you money in the long run. Create a maintenance calendar and stick to it diligently.


Budgeting for home maintenance is a crucial aspect of homeownership. By setting aside funds, planning for routine and seasonal tasks, and preparing for unexpected repairs, you can ensure your Normandy home remains in excellent condition for years to come. Remember, a well-maintained home not only provides comfort and safety but also preserves its value and appeal.

Invest the time and resources in proper home maintenance, and your Normandy home will continue to be a source of pride and joy for you and your family.


Please call us at 469-269-6541 for more details about HistoryMaker Homes and available homes!


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